------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . v2vhd . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME v2vhd SYNOPSIS v2vhd [ INPUT ] [ OUTPUT ] [ SWITCHES ] DESCRIPTION Translate verilog syntax into VHDL one SWITCHES -kc To Keep Orignal Comments USAGE $ v2vhd -kc HOW TO INSTALL Installation Wizard: 1. Exectue the file setup 2. Follow Wizard Steps Manual Installation: 1. Change cwd to nsys_v2vhd 2. Execute make command, i.e. $ make -s -Clex 3. This will create installation directory 4. Copy to desired location 5. Update PATH environment variable $ export PATH=$PATH: 6. Set PATH_V2VHD_EXE environment variable $ export PATH_V2VHD_EXE=/exe 7. Set PATH_V2VHD_EXE environment variable $ export PATH_V2VHD_CFG=/cfg DIRECTORY STRUCTURE ----------------- | nSys_v2vhd | ----------------- | ----- |------------| cfg | Directory For Configuration Files | ----- | | ----- |------------| doc | Directory For Related Document | ----- | | ----- |------------| exe | Directory For v2vhd's Executable Files | ----- | |------------ v2vhd Main Executable File HOW TO USE After installing v2vhd properly use command v2vhd to convert VERILOG file into VHDL $ v2vhd [-KC] OUTPUT FILES v2vhd generates two files: 1. VHDL file with the name same as the second argument to v2vhd. 2. v2vhd_warnings.log contains the warning messages(if any) gernated during conversion. NOTE: Read UserManual.pdf for more details.